Sunday, November 3, 2019

Contemporary Social Policy for Young Children in the UK Research Paper

Contemporary Social Policy for Young Children in the UK - Research Paper Example Some of the policies are fashioned specifically for groups in the society: the elderly, the children, the adults, the disabled, and similar other social and age groupings in terms of services like social housing, education, health, and social works (Alcock, Payne, and Sullivan, 2004). Social policies for children experiencing poor, abusive, or abandoned conditions have also been conceptualized. Most of these policies have been planned or set-up as a means to protect and secure the welfare of these children. These policies shall now be analyzed and evaluated in this paper. Particular focus shall be given to policies which relate to child poverty, child abuse, and looked after children. This paper is being conducted in the hope of establishing a clear and comprehensive understanding of the condition of children and the policies being set forth to protect and secure their welfare. Discussion In general, the UK has adopted the following international policies as set forth by the UN Conve ntion on the Rights of the Child to care for the welfare of children. Article 27 sets forth that states have the responsibility of supporting the right of each child to â€Å"a standard of living adequate for the child’s physical, mental, spiritual, moral, and social development† (UNCRC, 1990).   Article 26 also sets forth that the government must protect the child’s right to benefit from social security, social insurance, and it should take the necessary precautions to achieve the full realization of such right (UNCRC, 1990).  

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