Friday, March 27, 2020

Holistic Medicine Essays (1104 words) - Manual Therapy,

Holistic Medicine annon Millions of people around the world are living with pain that could be prevented with the use of alternative therapies. As a result many of these people use harmful or ineffective drugs and surgeries in an attempt to cure their ailments. With a steady schedule of massage therapy, acupuncture, and healthy foods, people can lead a healthy and invigorating life without drugs or surgery. During the time of the ancient Roman gladiators, massage therapy was used to treat everything from headaches to sports injures on them. Today massage therapy is widely recognized as a sensible alternative to traditional medicine, in that it relieves pain and soreness otherwise helped by taking pills or other medicines. Massage can help everyone, including premature infants according to USA Weekend, premature infants who get regular massages in the hospital gain more weight and leave the hospital sooner then unmassaged babies(McNichol,22). I firmly believe that massage therapy is one of the best preventative measures that a person can take to avoid most medical problems involved with aging, physical exertion, and the stress of everyday life. Some doctors agree by saying, If you have a massage every week, you will have 2/3 less illness (H. Gruenn, M.D.). There are many different types of massage therapy including relaxing Swedish massage for relieving stress, sports massage for treating sports related injuries, and therapeutic massage to name a few. Relaxing Swedish massage is one of the most effective ways to deal with that invisible killer, stress. By applying smooth gentle stokes or other non-invasive massage techniques, the Swedish massage practitioner can relieve the client of the every day stresses of life that can be fatal if not dealt with. In sports massage, the use of more advanced massage techniques can relieve athletes of lactic acid and other wastes that accumulate in the muscles due to exertion. Other therapeutic massage techniques such as Neuromuscular, Myofascal, and Lymphatic drainage can aid in the recovery of injured clients. Another form of alternative therapy is the ancient Chinese healing art of acupuncture. Acupuncture was first experimented within the First Imperial Medical College of China during the Sui Dynasty in 589 AD. In Chinese medicine, and therefore in acupuncture, health is determined by a persons ability to maintain a balanced and harmonious internal environment.(Mills pg. 8). This theory of internal harmony is expressed through the principles of Ying and Yang and its five separate phases: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Internal harmony is also based on the uninterrupted flow of the Qi, or vitality. The Qi is responsible for all of the bodys spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical processes. The Qi flows up and down channels of the body called Jingluo, or meridians. Twelve particular meridians run up and down the body in a continuous circuit connecting the internal organs of the body known as Zangfu. If the acupuncturist knows the correct point along the meridians, the Qis flow may be returned to normal by using the needle. I have experienced acupuncture first hand and I do believe it is an effective tool for relieving pain and diseases that effect the body. Overall, the basic principle of acupuncture and all of Chinese medicine is to restore the balance of Ying and Yang. Acupuncture works best in conduction with massage therapy and a good diet of healthy foods. How many times did your mother have to tell you to eat your vegetables? In fact, scientists say that a little more attention to our diets might slash the death rate for heart disease by seventy percent.(Michaud,28). As a result of all the junk food in the world, clogged arteries, overburdened hearts, stone filled gall bladders, ruined livers, and many other chemical enemies are eating away at our health. As the well known saying goes, An apple a day keeps the doctor away, because apples and other fruits can lower cholesterol, prevent gallstones, and protect against certain cancers. Dr. Neil Stone, M.D., says Its important to eat a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables (Wild,29). Among other healthy fruits there are apricots that combat constipation and bananas that heal ulcers and prevent strokes. Experts state that, Fortunately, bananas are the overwhelming fruit snack of Americans. Americans have increased the consumption of the fruit by about 30 percent over the past couple of decades(Michaud, 38). Vegetables such as beans lower cholesterol and can even control appetite. Berries may also prevent certain cancers and also battle arthritis and urinary tract infections. Carrots and cherries may also help lower cholesterol levels that can result in heart attacks. Many other tasty entrees such as fish and other meats may

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